How Online Notary in Kentucky Saved My Business?

Past couple of months has been a roller-coaster ride. I was pretty unsure about the future of my five-year old boutique. Imagine, how it feels, when you don’t know that the business will be no more. By no more I mean the business will close. Heartbreaking, it was.

Five years back, when I started off with a small boutique and a bag of dreams, I knew no one is Kentucky. All it took was hard work and patience to build a name. Even during that extended phases of lockdown, my shop (obviously, the e-store) had its regular footfall. Thanks Goodness.

But, my store was the about to close and I had no idea if I would be able to see the next morn.

My father leased the land from the owner, for some ten years or more. Well, he never thought of getting it notarized since it was his friends’. Unfortunately, I’m not too connected with that family, and after the death of my father’s friend the suddenly asked me to vacant my place.

Whoa! How could I do that with my dream project built on that site? But, without a notarized document, how could I prove that the land is mine at least for another few years.

And it was the dark phase of Lockdown across the state. Frustration was steadily creeping my mind. Searching for a notary public went in vain. Everything was a standstill, when I was almost convinced that my dream business will see an end soon.

Luckily, I had some customers who told be about online remote notary in Kentucky. Trust me, I did not know a bit about it, but they told me that I can get my papers notarized in the same way as the conventional notary public does. Though I was enough doubtful in the beginning, I had no time to overthink. But, opting for the online notary is the best thing ever, believe me.

Let me tell you why.

What’s So Exciting about Online Remote Notarization?

Well, nothing as such, but it brings the entire process of notarization online and that too with utmost accuracy. Online notary in Kentucky allow you to connect with a public notary via video calls and take things online. You can sign and notarize documents online anytime without leaving your home or office.

The Best Part

The paperless notary services online comes with a plethora of benefits that the traditional system cannot offer. The pandemic has certainly played the catalyst to its popularity, but going paperless in these troubled times certainly brings convenience at its best.

Quick Turnaround and Accurate Transactions: Getting e-signature is a matter of minutes, which is otherwise not possible in the traditional system. Sometimes, it’s just a signature that delays the process for weeks, even for months. With online notary in Kentucky, you can do away with the hassles of meeting notary public in person and waiting for hours for an appointment. Moreover, e-notarizations only require you to fill the mandatory fields and quite obviously, you will have complete documents every time.


Operating Cost is Reduced: Who does not know that time is money? Well, digital signatures can certainly save you from spending a fortune. Firstly, you can e-notarize a document in minutes. Secondly, with lot less paperwork, you can save a lot of time while availing online notary in Kentucky. Additionally, you can see a good amount of savings by reducing the need to print, fax and mail documents.

Top-notch Security: In order to a highest level of document security, e-notarization services offer top-notch audit trail. It is quite detailed and legally authentic. When it is embedded in each document, it practically means more than enough evidence in case of a legal dispute.

Final Verdict

My heart surely goes for online notary in Kentucky. It is certainly a new mode of notary transaction, but during the pandemic, it has been a savior in the true sense of the term.


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